Release notes

V5.2024 - June 2024

Easier results layout and AI improvements


  • Results layout decoupled

  • AI-driven question creation

Fixes and other improvements

  • Improved templates UI

V4.2024 - May 30 2024


  • The manual result builder is simplified

  • Control progress bar visibility for a personalized experience

  • Ability to disable questions and answers as customer tags

Fixes and other improvements

  • Consolidated button style settings.

  • Accessibility improvements

    • Focus indicators for actionable elements now meet high standard contrast requirements

    • buttons are marked up as such so they are usable by keyboard users

    • Image links are properly labeled for screen reader users and so much more!

  • Better SEO optimization by optionally excluding H1 headings on quizzes

V3.2024 - March 6 2024

AI auto results enhancements


  • AI text generation

  • Increased AI product recommendation capacity from 20 to 100.

Fixes and other improvements

  • Improved image loading and transitions

  • Recommend by tags with AND/OR logic

V2.2024 - February 5 2024

AI Auto Results launch 🎉


  • New AI Auto results

  • Share your popup quiz via URL link

Fixes and other improvements

  • Quick view fonts (Alphabetical order)

Last updated