Recommendations Logic

Quiz Kit offers five different recommendation logics that you can use to manually create results mapped to your quiz questions. In the following articles, we'll dive into each one separately.

First, here's a brief overview of each logic:

Basic (default)

Recommendations are based on specific combinations of answers.


Recommends products with each answer a user chooses.


Recommendations are based on the sum of points a user earns from each answer they choose.

Product Weight

Recommends products based on the weight assigned to each product at the answer level.

Result Weight

Recommends the most popular result assigned to each question at the answer level.


Recommendations are based on specific combinations of answers and with each answer a user chooses.

How to change the recommendation logic

To adjust your results logic, simply go to Settings and then navigate to Recommendations. At the top, you'll find a dropdown menu for results logic. Choose your preferred option from the list and remember to save your changes by clicking the save button.

Last updated